Alex Angelo: Exclusive Chat - CelebMix

If you don’t know who Alex Angelo is, you NEED to know. CelebMix got to chat exclusively with the singer, DJ, dancer, and radio host!
Hey Alex, How are you today?
I’m great. Working on finishing the school year right now. Just one more week then summer break. School comes before anything and I’m a bit of a perfectionist so my grades are important to me. I work hard for it but there’s a pay off.
You have toured with Justin Bieber, Pitbull and Austin Mahone. Who would be your dream artist to tour with?
I have opened for many people including the artists above. I have toured with Austin Mahone, Megan Nicole, and Jake Miller. I would like to tour with Chris Brown, Drake, and Justin Timberlake. That would be huge to open for an artist of that magnitude.
What is the best and worst parts of being a singer, DJ, dancer, and radio host?
The best part of being a dj, dancer and singer is that I get to do all three on stage. The live performances are the reward for me. It’s natural for me to go out on stage and put it all out there. I also love the creating process. I love working with writers and collaborating on lyrics and melodies then taking that back to my studio and creating the track. It’s a process I really enjoy. The worst part is that it can be feast or famine. Sometimes I’m preparing sets for several different events and I’m juggling a lot at one time. I’ll be preparing for my radio show, live shows, and doing school. It can be a lot. Then in the winter months it can be slow and I’m dying to get back out on stage and perform. I am trying to learn to appreciate the down time because I like to stay busy. I like to grind and hard work. That’s the only way I see this working for me. It makes all the good moments even better.
Your family manages you as an artist. How do you balance work and family life?
I really like my family because if I didn’t this wouldn’t be as fun as it is. We all get along really well and we all work as a team to get stuff done. But we also have fun together. Just this past week we went to the Cleveland Cavaliers game together and had a blast. I was dancing for the Cleveland Cavaliers kids hip hop team when I was 7 years old. I dj’d for them when I was 11. That’s where it all started for me. So anyway, we work together and play together. It’s a good time.
Since you’re a Radio Disney host, what would you say is going to be the song of the summer?
Hmmmmm, I can’t give you the song of the summer just yet. I don’t think we’ve heard it. There’s several I like but I don’t think I’ve heard the song of the summer just yet. Stay tuned!!!
If your life was being made into a film, which actor would you want to play the role?
I would have to say maybe Leonardo Dicaprio. He’s an excellent actor and has a huge catalog of work.
What was the first concert you went to?
I believe it was a high school musical concert. My sister and I knew every song. We used to watch high school musical over and over. I got to meet the artists and was so excited!
What is the future looking like for you?
I am spending the summer working on new music. I’m very focused on the music right now. It’s key because when the music is right, everything else will fall into place. That’s my short term goal. Long term, I hope to release new music, perform live, get better at producing, and live a happy life. I want a successful long career in music. I’ll still go to college and get my education.
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