Beyond The Song: 5 Seconds of Summer - Money

There are songs made for yelling in cars, others made for headphone consumption and some that come to live on stage. 5SOS’ Money is the magic kind of hit that ticks all three.
The opening track to the band’s sophomore album, Money kicks things off with an open door and laughter as the boys stumble into the studio — a perfect glimpse into the 5SOS process. Relaxed, fun, and full of energy.
— 5 Seconds of Summer (@5SOS) October 23, 2015
Co-written by lead guitarist Luke Hemmings, drummer Ashton Irwin, and Joel and Benji Madden, the song boasts classic pop punk guitar riffs, loud drums, and a chorus so catchy we still find ourselves humming, ‘from the floor to the ceiling’ on the daily.
Unlike other songs on SGFG, it is less significant lyrically; choosing fun, fresh content that fans had come to expect from the Australians. A tongue in cheek tale of adventure over a night out. The grown up version of Kiss Me Kiss Me and English Love Affair.
Producer John Feldman said of the tune, “In essence of time, between album one and album two, “Money” is such an important song… This is still that fun loving pop-punk from the first album. “Money” bridges the the gap between the two.”
Punchy guitar, catchy lyrics (everybody in the place catch that feeling!), and a perfect interlude for crowd clapping makes Money the ideal song to transition from record to stage — much like the rest of SGFG.
Black jeans, white tees, black converse
Money is most certainly a song about partying — a taxi ride to fast food, mysteriously disappearing cash, frivolous adventures that spark the very best of memories — but its beauty falls in its inclusive spirit. Lyrics that describe 5SOS fans and an environment in which they could be partying with their favorites makes the album opener all the more fun.
It’s a song for fans who love to travel, and turn one concert into three and then six and suddenly it’s like being on tour yourself. It’s a song for the musicians who been there too before they were on that stage doing their thing.
Money is fun, it’s upbeat; it doesn’t have to make sense because sometimes things don’t need a rhyme or reason; they just are.
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