
Cynthia Bailey Surprises Her Fans With A Closet Reveal Check Out Her Video

Cynthia Bailey made her fans happy when she posted a video featuring her closet reveal on her social media account. Check out the exciting clip below.

‘Closet Reveal🤍The🚪 is finally open! You guys probably remember what a hot mess my junk room was lol. Well, it’s not completely the way I want it yet, but I absolutely love it for now. ✅ it out😘 Thanks @thekenyamoore for all your advice & referring your builder to help me get it together. Can’t wait for your shady butt to come by Lake Bailey for the final inspection🧐 @bravotv #rhoa #cynthiascloset #lakebailey #stayhomewithbravo,’ Cynthia captioned her post.

Someone said: ‘One of my absolute favorite housewives!! Love you so much!! Keep doing you!!’ and another follower posted this: ‘I keep thinking about that closet tour you did a few years back when you kept saying everything was “classic” or timeless or something.’


One other follower asked: ‘A lot better that what we saw. Did Kenya actually help you with the arrangement as we saw on tv? Looks tidy and nice 👍🏽’ and Cynthia responded: ‘@beypeyday @thekenyamoore gave me a lot of advice & I used the builder that did her closet.’

Someone said: ‘I love your home…it fits your personality 💯…out of all the homes, I love yours most. The lake, the outdoors, the comfort. It’s just peaceful, quiet..a place I would love to have♥️♥️♥️♥️’

A follower told Cynthia: ‘It doesn’t need to be big or grand. It’s beautiful and fits your personal style.’

One of Cynthia’s fans exclaimed: ‘Obsessed!!!! And I saw the sexy little #curlyryder wig too! I have been telling you for years that I’m turning one of the guests’ bedrooms into my closet but somehow I’m always extra housing people…but I’m over it!! It’s Closet time! Omg.’


In other news, Cynthia was recently interviewed by her gorgeous daughter in their backyard.


Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-04-17