How old is Agent 00? Twitch streamer's age, career, and other details explored
From Din "Agent 00" and Roberto "Fanum's" physical altercation over the Fanum tax to Kai Cenat inciting a riot, members of AMP (Any Means Possible) are never too far from controversy. To the uninitiated, AMP might look like your average group of young YouTubers and Twitch streamers; however, with the likes of Kai Cenat, Duke Dennis, ChrisNxtDoor, and ImDavisss alongside Din and Roberto, it has quickly become one of the biggest American content collectives.
Though most of AMP's success can be directly attributed to Kai Cenat's astonishing rise as Twitch's next big streamer, by no means are the rest of the members merely riding his coattails.
One of the AMP members silently making his own niche within the live streaming industry is Din "Agent 00" Muktar. His NBA 2K, GTA V, and Just Chatting streams, alongside his captivating charisma and humorous nature, has allowed the 26-year-old to earn over 1.1 million followers on Twitch and three million subscribers across four YouTube channels.
How old is Agent 00?
Din Muktar was born on 23 April 1996, which makes him 27 years old as of August 2023. Din prefers to live a quiet life offscreen and has managed to keep a fair share of his personal details a secret, including information about his family. He was born in Canada, though the exact location remains a mystery. Din is a practicing Muslim and has a younger brother, who often appears in his videos.
A glimpse into Agent 00’s streaming career
The AMP member first forayed into the digital world on January 20, 2013, when he registered his YouTube gaming channel under the name Agent 00 Gaming. Despite joining Google's popular video-sharing platform as early as 2013, Din did not upload his first video until 2016.
His debut video titled "NBA 2K YouTubers ARE INSIDE NBA 2K16!!!! Cash, Los, Jesser, LNU, Shake, LSK, QJB, Stax + MORE" was uploaded on June 22, 2016. This channel is largely reserved for Let's Plays, as the name suggests.
Prompted by the success of his gaming channel, Din registered his non-gaming YouTube channel on March 22, 2020, under his in-game alias. On April 7, 2020, he uploaded his debut video titled "Agent 00 Mansion & Studio Tour."
At the time of writing, Din has uploaded only 145 videos on his non-gaming YouTube channel, with his most popular video earning an impressive 1.3 million views. In the three years he has been active on YouTube, he has amassed over 53,015,902 views on his main channel, while his gaming channel has a whopping 383,284,591 views since 2013.
Considering the fact that Din primarily started out as a gaming YouTuber, he did not start actively streaming on Twitch until January 2022. Though he had streamed 40-odd times between 2016-2018, he only became consistent in January 2022.
Primarily an NBA 2K streamer, Agent 00 eventually diversified to incorporate Just Chatting streams alongside his decision to play various gaming titles instead of soft locking himself with one specific game.
As of August 2023, Agent 00 has streamed for over 2,121 hours and averages over 6.7K viewers per stream. Despite only being active for 453 days on Amazon's coveted streaming platform, Din's Twitch channel boasts over 14.3 million hours with a peak viewership of over 128K viewers.
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