How to easily find and catch Hazel the Unicorn in Hogwarts Legacy?
The vast countryside of Hogwarts Legacy’s open world houses multiple magical beast species, including the beautiful Unicorn, which is a staple animal in the Wizarding World. Like most beasts, they can be rescued and put into the Room of Requirment’s Vivarium, where players can interact with them.
In Hogwarts Legacy, you can encounter a special Unicorn, named Hazel, by participating in a fascinating side quest, called "Unique Unicorn." Rescuing her will get you exciting rewards, including 180 XP, Wooden Maiden, and Gold.
Unicorns are shy and marvelous-looking equine beasts featuring a recognizable horn on their head. These are rare and can only be found in one location on the map. While locating Hazel The Unicorn isn’t going to be much of a challenge due to her unique shiny coat, catching her is going to be pretty tricky due to her stubborn nature.
Let’s take a look at Hazel The Unicorn’s location and how you can catch her easily. Doing so will help you complete the Unique Unicorn side quest and earn rewards.
Where to find Hazel The Unicorn and how to catch her in Hogwarts Legacy?
Before you head on to the quest, make sure you own the Nab-Sack. You can get it by completing the main quest, The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom. In addition, you should learn the Disillusionment, Accio, Glacius, and Arresto Momentum spells to be able to capture Hazel effectively.
First, you'll have to start the Unique Unicorn side quest in Hogwarts Legacy by talking to Betty Bugbrooke, who can be found in Hogsmeade Square.
She will express her concerns for Hazel The Unicorn, who may have faced injuries while protecting her from wolves. Betty is afraid that Hazel may not be able to protect herself from poachers due to her injury.
After talking to Betty, head over to the North Hogsmeade Floo Flame and travel to one of the two points stated below:
Next, locate the Unicorn Den (near the Mooncalf den) in the eastern part of the Forbidden Forest and travel to it. You can use your broom to fly to the location in Hogwarts Legacy.
When you reach the location, look for Hazel. She will have the brightest coat among the lot and should be easily recognizable. Moreover, you’ll see a "Hazel the Unicorn" banner show up when you are near her. Note that capturing any Unicorn other than Hazel will not work towards completing the quest.
Players should use the Disillusionment Spell to mask themselves and approach timid beasts like Unicorns as stealthily as possible. If not, Hazel has a tendency to run far away and it can be difficult to locate her again if she goes out of sight.
When you approach her, use Accio, Glacius, or Arresto Momentum to restrict her movement. Glacius may be the best spell to use as it freezes Hazel and makes it easier to use the Nab-Sack on her. Once the Unicorn is knocked down or frozen, use the Nab-Sack to catch her. You’ll see a banner stating "Hazel the Unicorn Magical Beast Rescued" upon successfully catching Hazel in Hogwarts Legacy.
To complete the Unique Unicorn quest, head back to Hogsmeade Square and approach Betty to tell her that Hazel is safe. Once you have gathered the rewards, head to your Vivarium and release her to start interacting with her in Hogwarts Legacy.
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