How to fix, possible reasons, and more
Warner Bros Games’ latest title Gotham Knights has had a mixed reaction from fans and critics alike. While many loved various aspects of the game like the narrative and combat, many found a number of flaws with the title.
One of the biggest gripes that the community has had with the game is its performance. Optimization for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox systems is certainly not up to the mark, with players facing performance lag and screen stutter during various crucial stages of the game.
This has made it extremely difficult for players to enjoy Gotham Knights, and those who have been patiently awaiting its release won't be too happy about how it has turned out.
However, there are still a few things that you can do to try and fix the “Stutter and Lag” issue of the game. This guide goes over certain steps that you can take across various platforms to deal with the performance nuances currently plaguing Gotham Knights.
Fixing the “Stutter and Lag” issue in Gotham Knights on PC, PS5, and Xbox
While the best solution to the problem will be to wait for the developers to fix the issue in a future patch, there are certain steps that you can undertake to significantly increase the performance when playing Gotham Knights.
1) Fix for PC
When it comes to making the game more tolerable on PC, you will be required to:
- Update the GPU driver for both the AMD and Nvidia cards. Depending on the one you have, you will be required to update the drivers to the latest version.
- After which, you must run the game on Fullscreen mode, as putting it on Windowed will in most cases cause stutter and other performance lag
- Disable other third-party in-game overlays or other background applications to give more ram to the game.
- Lowering the graphics settings is also one of the best ways to deal with the in-game stutter in Gotham Knights.
2) Fix for PlayStation
To solve the stutter and lag issue on the PS5, there's no real fix but to wait for the developers to offer a patch. As of this writing, the game is locked at 30 FPS on the console and feels rather sluggish, making it frustrating to play.
While downloading the latest versions of the game might help improve the issue slightly, it does not guarantee a fix to the problem.
Avoiding visually demanding scenes in the game is likely to drastically improve performance on the PS5. While it’s not something players would like to do, Warner Bros Games hasn't left one with too many options.
3) Fix for the Xbox
Much like for the PS5 the game is locked at 30 FPS for the Xbox X/S as well, and you will not have access to any performance mods to fix it. The experience cannot be customized in any way and the stutter will most likely be fixed only when the developers decide to deploy an update that targets some of the biggest issues currently affecting the game.
Hence, it’s best to keep up with the latest hotfixes and ensure the game is updated while avoiding graphics-intensive scenes.
Driving around Gotham seems to be one of the biggest situations where lag and performance stutter affects Xbox players the most. Hence, it’s best that you rely on fast travel as much as possible.
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