S3TransferManager (AWS SDK for Java
, SdkAutoCloseable
Method Details
Downloads an object identified by the bucket and key from S3 to a local file. For non-file-based downloads, you may usedownload(DownloadRequest)
instead.The SDK will create a new file if the provided one doesn't exist. The default permission for the new file depends on the file system and platform. Users can configure the permission on the file using Java API by themselves. If the file already exists, the SDK will replace it. In the event of an error, the SDK will NOT attempt to delete the file, leaving it as-is.
Users can monitor the progress of the transfer by attaching a
. The providedLoggingTransferListener
logs a basic progress bar; users can also implement their own listeners.Usage Example:
See Also:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); DownloadFileRequest downloadFileRequest = DownloadFileRequest.builder() .getObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key("key")) .destination(Paths.get("myFile.txt")) .addTransferListener(LoggingTransferListener.create()) .build(); FileDownload download = transferManager.downloadFile(downloadFileRequest); // Wait for the transfer to complete download.completionFuture().join();
See Also:resumeDownloadFile
Resumes a downloadFile operation. This download operation uses the same configuration as the original download. Any content that has already been fetched since the last pause will be skipped and only the remaining data will be downloaded from Amazon S3.If it is determined that the source S3 object or the destination file has be modified since the last pause, the SDK will download the object from the beginning as if it is a new
.Usage Example:
Parameters:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); DownloadFileRequest downloadFileRequest = DownloadFileRequest.builder() .getObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key ("key")) .destination(Paths.get("myFile.txt")) .build(); // Initiate the transfer FileDownload download = transferManager.downloadFile(downloadFileRequest); // Pause the download ResumableFileDownload resumableFileDownload = download.pause(); // Optionally, persist the download object Path path = Paths.get("resumableFileDownload.json"); resumableFileDownload.serializeToFile(path); // Retrieve the resumableFileDownload from the file resumableFileDownload = ResumableFileDownload.fromFile(path); // Resume the download FileDownload resumedDownload = transferManager.resumeDownloadFile(resumableFileDownload); // Wait for the transfer to complete resumedDownload.completionFuture().join();
- the download to resume. Returns: A newFileDownload
object to use to check the state of the download. See Also:resumeDownloadFile
See Also:download
Downloads an object identified by the bucket and key from S3 through the givenAsyncResponseTransformer
. For downloading to a file, you may usedownloadFile(DownloadFileRequest)
instead.Users can monitor the progress of the transfer by attaching a
. The providedLoggingTransferListener
logs a basic progress bar; users can also implement their own listeners.Usage Example (this example buffers the entire object in memory and is not suitable for large objects):
CopyS3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); DownloadRequest<ResponseBytes<GetObjectResponse>> downloadRequest = DownloadRequest.builder() .getObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key("key")) .responseTransformer(AsyncResponseTransformer.toBytes()) .build(); // Initiate the transfer Download<ResponseBytes<GetObjectResponse>> download = transferManager.download(downloadRequest); // Wait for the transfer to complete download.completionFuture().join();
See the static factory methods available in
Type Parameters:AsyncResponseTransformer
for other use cases.ResultT
- The type of data theAsyncResponseTransformer
produces Parameters:downloadRequest
- the download request, containing aGetObjectRequest
Returns: ADownload
that can be used to track the ongoing transfer See Also:uploadFile
Uploads a local file to an object in S3. For non-file-based uploads, you may useupload(UploadRequest)
instead.Users can monitor the progress of the transfer by attaching a
. The providedLoggingTransferListener
logs a basic progress bar; users can also implement their own listeners. Upload a local file to an object in S3. For non-file-based uploads, you may useupload(UploadRequest)
instead.Usage Example:
See Also:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest = UploadFileRequest.builder() .putObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key("key")) .addTransferListener(LoggingTransferListener.create()) .source(Paths.get("myFile.txt")) .build(); FileUpload upload = transferManager.uploadFile(uploadFileRequest); upload.completionFuture().join();
See Also:resumeUploadFile
Resumes uploadFile operation. This upload operation will use the same configuration provided inResumableFileUpload
. The SDK will skip the data that has already been upload since the last pause and only upload the remaining data from the source file.If it is determined that the source file has be modified since the last pause, the SDK will upload the object from the beginning as if it is a new
.Usage Example:
Parameters:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest = UploadFileRequest.builder() .putObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key("key")) .source(Paths.get("myFile.txt")) .build(); // Initiate the transfer FileUpload upload = transferManager.uploadFile(uploadFileRequest); // Pause the upload ResumableFileUpload resumableFileUpload = upload.pause(); // Optionally, persist the resumableFileUpload Path path = Paths.get("resumableFileUpload.json"); resumableFileUpload.serializeToFile(path); // Retrieve the resumableFileUpload from the file ResumableFileUpload persistedResumableFileUpload = ResumableFileUpload.fromFile(path); // Resume the upload FileUpload resumedUpload = transferManager.resumeUploadFile(persistedResumableFileUpload); // Wait for the transfer to complete resumedUpload.completionFuture().join();
- the upload to resume. Returns: A newFileUpload
object to use to check the state of the download. See Also:resumeUploadFile
See Also:upload
Uploads the givenAsyncRequestBody
to an object in S3. For file-based uploads, you may useuploadFile(UploadFileRequest)
instead.Users can monitor the progress of the transfer by attaching a
. The providedLoggingTransferListener
logs a basic progress bar; users can also implement their own listeners.Usage Example:
See the static factory methods available inS3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); UploadRequest uploadRequest = UploadRequest.builder() .requestBody(AsyncRequestBody.fromString("Hello world")) .putObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket("bucket").key("key")) .build(); Upload upload = transferManager.upload(uploadRequest); // Wait for the transfer to complete upload.completionFuture().join();
for other use cases. Parameters:uploadRequest
- the upload request, containing aPutObjectRequest
Returns: AnUpload
that can be used to track the ongoing transfer See Also:upload
See Also:uploadDirectory
Uploads all files under the given directory to the provided S3 bucket. The key name transformation depends on the optional prefix and delimiter provided in theUploadDirectoryRequest
. By default, all subdirectories will be uploaded recursively, and symbolic links are not followed automatically. This behavior can be configured in at request level viaUploadDirectoryRequest.Builder.followSymbolicLinks(Boolean)
or client level viaS3TransferManager.Builder.uploadDirectoryFollowSymbolicLinks(Boolean)
Note that request-level configuration takes precedence over client-level configuration.By default, the prefix is an empty string and the delimiter is
. Assume you have a local directory "/test" with the following structure:|- test |- sample.jpg |- photos |- 2022 |- January |- sample.jpg |- February |- sample1.jpg |- sample2.jpg |- sample3.jpg
- sample.jpg
- photos/2022/January/sample.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample1.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample2.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample3.jpg
The returned
only completes exceptionally if the request cannot be attempted as a whole (the source directory provided does not exist for example). The future completes successfully for partial successful requests, i.e., there might be failed uploads in the successfully completed response. As a result, you should check for errors in the response viaCompletedDirectoryUpload.failedTransfers()
even when the future completes successfully.The current user must have read access to all directories and files.
Usage Example:
Parameters:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); DirectoryUpload directoryUpload = transferManager.uploadDirectory(UploadDirectoryRequest.builder() .source(Paths.get("source/directory")) .bucket("bucket") .s3Prefix("prefix") .build()); // Wait for the transfer to complete CompletedDirectoryUpload completedDirectoryUpload = directoryUpload.completionFuture().join(); // Print out any failed uploads completedDirectoryUpload.failedTransfers().forEach(System.out::println);
- the upload directory request See Also:uploadDirectory
See Also:downloadDirectory
Downloads all objects under a bucket to the provided directory. By default, all objects in the entire bucket will be downloaded. You can modify this behavior by providing aDownloadDirectoryRequest.listObjectsRequestTransformer()
and/or aDownloadDirectoryRequest.filter()
to limit the S3 objects to download.The downloaded directory structure will match with the provided S3 virtual bucket. For example, assume that you have the following keys in your bucket:
- sample.jpg
- photos/2022/January/sample.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample1.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample2.jpg
- photos/2022/February/sample3.jpg
|- test |- sample.jpg |- photos |- 2022 |- January |- sample.jpg |- February |- sample1.jpg |- sample2.jpg |- sample3.jpg
The returned
only completes exceptionally if the request cannot be attempted as a whole (the downloadDirectoryRequest is invalid for example). The future completes successfully for partial successful requests, i.e., there might be failed downloads in a successfully completed response. As a result, you should check for errors in the response viaCompletedDirectoryDownload.failedTransfers()
even when the future completes successfully.The SDK will create the destination directory if it does not already exist. If a specific file already exists, the existing content will be replaced with the corresponding S3 object content.
The current user must have write access to all directories and files
Usage Example:
Parameters:S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.create(); DirectoryDownload directoryDownload = transferManager.downloadDirectory( DownloadDirectoryRequest.builder() .destination(Paths.get("destination/directory")) .bucket("bucket") // only download objects with prefix "photos" .listObjectsV2RequestTransformer(l -> l.prefix("photos")) .build()); // Wait for the transfer to complete CompletedDirectoryDownload completedDirectoryDownload = directoryDownload.completionFuture().join(); // Print out any failed downloads completedDirectoryDownload.failedTransfers().forEach(System.out::println);
- the download directory request See Also:downloadDirectory
See Also:copy
Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in S3.Depending on the underlying S3Client,
may intelligently use plainCopyObjectRequest
s for smaller objects, and multiple parallelUploadPartCopyRequest
s for larger objects. If multipart copy is supported by the underlying S3Client, this behavior can be configured viaS3CrtAsyncClientBuilder.minimumPartSizeInBytes(Long)
. Note that for multipart copy request, existing metadata stored in the source object is NOT copied to the destination object; if required, you can retrieve the metadata from the source object and set it explicitly in the @link CopyObjectRequest.Builder#metadata(Map)}.While this API supports
s, they will not receivebytesTransferred
callback-updates due to the way theCopyObjectRequest
API behaves. When copying an object, S3 performs the byte copying on your behalf while keeping the connection alive. The progress of the copy is not known until it fully completes and S3 sends a response describing the outcome.If you are copying an object to a bucket in a different region, you need to enable cross region access on the
.Usage Example:
Parameters:S3AsyncClient s3AsyncClient = S3AsyncClient.crtBuilder() // enable cross-region access, only required if you are making cross-region copy .crossRegionAccessEnabled(true) .build(); S3TransferManager transferManager = S3TransferManager.builder() .s3Client(s3AsyncClient) .build(); CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest.builder() .sourceBucket("source_bucket") .sourceKey("source_key") .destinationBucket("dest_bucket") .destinationKey("dest_key") .build(); CopyRequest copyRequest = CopyRequest.builder() .copyObjectRequest(copyObjectRequest) .build(); Copy copy = transferManager.copy(copyRequest); // Wait for the transfer to complete CompletedCopy completedCopy = copy.completionFuture().join();
- the copy request, containing aCopyObjectRequest
Returns: ACopy
that can be used to track the ongoing transfer See Also:copy
See Also:create
Create anS3TransferManager
using the default values.The type of
used depends on if AWS Common Runtime (CRT) librarysoftware.amazon.awssdk.crt:aws-crt
is in the classpath. If AWS CRT is available, an AWS CRT-based S3 client will be created via (S3AsyncClient.crtCreate()
). Otherwise, a standard S3 client(S3AsyncClient.create()
) will be created. Note that only AWS CRT-based S3 client supports parallel transfer, i.e, leveraging multipart upload/download for now, so it's recommended to add AWS CRT as a dependency.builder